Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Count Your Many Blessings

Ben and I were inspired by President Monson's talk on gratitude, particularly the story about the family counting all of their food on Thanksgiving.  We certainly aren't farmers, we don't really even have food storage, but we counted some of our material things.  We have been immensely blessed. Between the three of us we have:

358 books
173 CDs
131 hangers of clothes
94 boxes/cans of food
80 DVDs
18 drawers of clothes
18 blankets
11 chairs
11 kitchen appliances
10 VHSs (yes we still own some of those)
6 bins of baby clothes
6 bins of fabric and stuff
5 pillows
3 tables
1 large sheet music collection

Certainly there is more, but these were the things that were easiest to quantify.
But more important than all of these blessings are the immaterial things we have.  We have testimonies of Jesus Christ and His restored Gospel.  We have a wonderful marriage, and a beautiful daughter.  Both Ben and I have been able to complete a college education.  We have many talents to share with others.  We have been blessed with amazing parents, siblings, and extended families.  Ben has a great job that he is growing in and that allows me to stay home and be a mother. We are healthy and have a comfortable home to live in. We have made wonderful friends in the many places we have lived.
We have so much in our lives to be thankful for that this post could get to long.  But sometimes it is nice to sit down, count your blessings, and remember how much our Heavenly Father has blessed us.

1 comment:

  1. Very well said! I am grateful that you are in our family. You are perfect for Ben, and I feel like I've gained another daughter. Love you so very much!
